Thursday, March 1, 2007

Mayhem at the Marriott - Day 4 of 6

Finally answering the age-old question of just how much badass one can cram into a ten-minute film, the Kyoko crew took over two hotel rooms at the Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle Downtown today to shoot Kyoko's bedroom scenes. It's not as sexy as it sounds but as promised, we do deliver the badass in copious quantities.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

As always, catch all the up-to-the-minute action on our Kyoko Publicity Stills page, from our crazy ceiling fan rig to our trouble-causing camera department.

Oh, and one more thing. If there's a picture you want to see that I haven't posted, just flag me down on set and I'll get your e-mail address off you so I can send it your way. Remember, I'm here to make you all look good.

(And looking good could help you get laid. Boo-yah!)

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