Friday, March 2, 2007

Short Day at the Studio - Day 5 of 6

Slowly winding down from the madness of killing off six characters in the past four days, today's shoot was a relative piece of cake. All we needed to do was grab a few shots of Akira's henchmen getting all pissed off in that lip-pouting way that henchmen do, and we were golden. Akira's men were looking good though. I'd hate to run into one of these angry fuckers in a dark alley somewhere.

Catch all the badass on our newly updated Kyoko Publicity Stills page and remember, all the photos from previous days can be easily accessed through our Thumbnail Gallery.


And don't forget to tell your friends. The more buzz you start generating now, the more people will come see this when it screens at VSFF or Young Cuts. Do your part. Plug Kyoko every chance you get and you just may see this on IMDb!

By the way, on the off-chance that some of you guys might actually want prints of our production stills, just let me know and I'll send you the original high-resolution files. Due to bandwidth issues, I've had to lower the quality on virtually every photo in the gallery. So if you need prints, come to me first and don't just drag them off the site. You may be disappointed if you do.

Only one more day on set. See you all there in the afternoon!

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